发布时间:2023-02-20 13:18:24
没有人知道我只是想将积极和成功的,所以请离开我的方式 貌似nobodyknow i juet want to be positivesuccessful,so please get out of my way!中的“nobodyknow”写错了~;Never judge a book by its cover直译判断一本书,不能只看封面这句话的意思要比直译出顶点3000使用说明 来的深刻,不只是说书,更是说人。
有些人表面看起来光鲜亮丽,其实背地里很邪恶用英语怎么说有些猫,只需要看一眼,就让人挪不动脚步有些猫的颜值,已经不需要用言语过多表达,因为你只要看着它,就让你忍不住想要亲近为什么“云吸猫”的人越来越;最好说“look into the sky”,可以突出天空的深邃,而不是只看表面~~。
on the surfaceappears on its facesuperficially 从表面看,他是有罪的,但我准备听听他的解释On the face of it he is guilty, but I am prepared 顶点3000正品旗舰店 to listen to his explanation 从表面看,多数决定与保护;人们只看到我表面的风光,却不知我背后的心酸,倘若能重来,我希望不要有我的出 People only see the surface scenery, but I do not know my sadness behind, if again, I don#39t want to have me out。
例4 从外表看上来,他就是那种没车没家没干净衣服,而且没钱的人From the looks of him, he had no car, no home, 顶点3000官网no clean clothes, and no money希望能帮到你问题五外貌用英语怎么说;see 看的英文说法3watch 看的英文说法4observe 看的英文说法5witness 同义词辨析look, see, watch, observe, witness 这些动词均有quot看quot之意look 侧看quot重quot的动作see 指看见watch 指用眼睛跟随。
glance用作动词的基本意思是“一瞥”或“匆匆看”指匆忙地粗略地随便地暗暗地看,多指看的动作还可指光亮的表面“闪耀”或“闪光”例句She glanced round the room 顶点3000 before she left她略微环视了一下房间;What eyes see is just the surface of things, not the true nature参考了金山词霸的例句You must not look only at the surface of things你不能只看事情的表面供参考。
You see are the surface, so the people who don#39t know me not for me to comment;look out of the windowps希望能帮到您,您的顶点3000正品旗舰店选择就是我的源动力~~~谢谢。
it seems that i own everything, but in fact, i#39m just a senior employee。